sábado, 29 de julio de 2017

[Comp.] Technology-Enhanced Activity 2

Now we are using technology! Part 2

As I told you before, Kahoot would be the next tool for our technology-enhanced activity. This time, we worked in pairs to use a tool explored in class. We settled for Kahoot and we even made a video (in a few minutes) to explain how this amazing tool could be used. It is not much, but Beverly and I did our with what we had. Thank

Here is the video in all its glory:

I also wrote a composition about this tool, and how it can help teachers in the assessment process, which can get very difficult sometimes. Please take a look:

Kahoot: A Fun Way to Assess Knowledge

            Teachers can come up with many ways to assess what the students have learned—tests, oral presentations, compositions… these are some examples of how teachers can make sure that learning has taken place. However, these strategies might not be engaging and could even intimidate some students, causing affective inhibitions that prevent the student from showing his or her knowledge. For this reason, there is an online tool that can make assessment dynamic and engaging: Kahoot.

            Kahoot is a game show-like tool that lets the teacher create quizzes and surveys, but it has a colorful interface, time limit, and speed-based mechanics. The latter is the main reason this is a great tool to engage students because they must think fast in order to win the “game”. In addition to that, students would most likely have to work in groups, so it also strengthens the bonds among peers.

            A common situation in a classroom is having two or more students that do not get along very well. Kahoot, being a game-show looking tool, can make those students stay so focused on the task that they can overcome their differences just to answer as fast as possible. It is just a matter of working as a group and complement each other’s strengths.

            Kahoot can also be used to review before a written test or students can even make their own quizzes to challenge their classmates; overall, it is a very flexible tool that can spice up a class that is perceived as dry or not engaging enough.

...aaand, here it is the link to our game:

This was quite a busy day, but it was interesting all the way the through.

You expected a lot more from the game; I know. Sorry.

See you soon and thank you for your help, Beverly!

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