sábado, 29 de julio de 2017

[Comp.] Reflections 1

What did I learn? Part 1

Sometimes, it is good to ask yourself questions for understanding as well as to know how you feel about new knowledge. This reflective composition deals with the future of technology in education. Please take a look.
Reflection Paper 1

The use of technology in language teaching is a hot topic nowadays, and one of the crucial issues that is being discussed is whether teachers should use it for language teaching. In my opinion, teachers should definitely take advantage of the tools that are available in today’s world.

            The article mentioned, among other things, concerns pertaining the use of technology. I already knew most of them, but there was one that caught my attention instantly: “Will computers replace teachers?”. That implication, in my opinion, is absolute nonsense for many reasons. First of all, language is a human-exclusive characteristic; other living creatures have their own communication system, but it is not language. Another reason why teachers cannot be replaced by computers is the fact that language carries more than linguistic knowledge—it carries a whole cultural background. Culture is part of human nature, so computers cannot replicate that. It is very unlikely that they will replace teachers, or at least language teachers for that matter.

            There was a point that was touched upon in the article that left me pondering: “Are we willing to invest in the use of technology in the language teaching classroom?” This goes beyond the economic investment; it goes more along the lines of time and effort. Applying web-based tools and software might be more demanding when planning a lesson, not to mention it is necessary to be updated. I am willing to do so because language teaching must go along culture and how technology is part of it; it is about time both teachers and institutions are trained to apply technology in the classroom as naturally as we use a smartphone on the bus or elevator. There is still a long way to go, but big changes start small.

I hope you liked it.

I certainly didn't.

See you soon!


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